The purpose of a Miission Statement
Published on February 21, 2005 By KelleyMM In Blogging
A mission statement articulates a groups essential nature, its values and its work. The hard part of a mission statement is discovering what those three discriptions actually mean. Today we talked about each groups' mission statement and what we will do to strive to achieve our purpose. Such as working 110% or being proactive instead of reactive, but who really measures the groups success? If you were to ask me what made up a good mission statement I would say anything that states a goal. As long as there is a goal set, thats as good of any mission statement compared to the next. I personally have many goals, some more important than others but in reality they are all important in shaping the person that I want to become.

I have been researching about how to write a good mission statement and I have come up with many interesting perspectives. You should list your opportunities (purpose of group), how to address it (business of group) and the beliefs (values of group). Then there are suggestions of avoiding jargon, or keep it brief and current. Another point is how often should a group update their mission statement. Goals can change daily, monthly or even yearly. A personal mission statement is pretty easy to update, however, for a large corporation it can be very difficult. There are so many opinions that determine what their purpose is and to briefly summarize is not an easy task. I think before any person/group/organization writes their mission statement they should sit down and write all of their goals out, short term and long term. Then decide whether they want to narrow the list down to three or four specific goals or instead, keep it as a list to stick to for every obstacle they face in life.

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