Today we completely embarressed 13 of our peers by making them look like zoo animals on stage. I thoroughly enjoyed today because it was interesting to see a group of people scurry around to complete a task. It made me think about all the past experience I have had with this type of situation and how I could have made it different given the experience of watching it from outside the group. When put in this situation nobody wants to be the jerk that takes control and makes all the decisions but then nobody wants to sit there and not get anything accomplished. This leads to our discussion of "Why should I follow you?". The reason the majority of the class gave out a thumbs down each time was because nobody said they would put themselves on the line for their group. You created a setting of leadership as leading our group into battle with bullets shot at them. In that situation who would want to be lead by someone who will be honest or give out A's? I know I would want someone who stood up and said "I'll have your back if you have mine and I'll take care of you". Thats what I would have said if you had asked me.