The first week of this class was very interesting. I have never experienced a teaching style such as this. When I thought I had figured out what was going on, you surprised me again. On this day we came in to class discovering that you were not going to be teaching. When we figured out that we were watching a movie I was pretty happy, what more could you ask for in a class then to watch one of your favorite movies? I think the reason you decided to show a movie was to give us a live example of what leadership can do, how it differs in each situation and why it was needed at that time. On a personal note, I was probobly more excited about this movie than the rest of this class because my father is a highschool football coach and that type of leadership has made a huge impact on my life. In that situation not only does the coach have to earn respect of his players but create a much stronger form of motivation than we experience in the business world. There are certain moments when a coach's leadership is tested on the words he says and with the tone he says them. This type of group and leadership creates a bond that some may not experience again in their lives.